Presenting their wares were Gareth from Menucoster - a fantastic program that helps chefs cost their menus
Andrew from Stahmann showcased his beautiful pecan nuts and oils
Todd from Blue Harvest showcased beautiful Barramundi
John from Farm Fresh Fine Foods
Richard from Noosa Reds showcased his fabulous tomatoes
Ben from Oztube showed off his online video directory
Jane from Barambah Organics
Judy from Cakes by Judy C
Michael and crew from Fino Foods showcased Spanish products and smallgoods
Gae Grant, Fosters fabbo wine rep showcased new wine products for the Summer
Martin and Nick from Tomewin Farm and Di and John from X Steam Clean
Tom from FBI and Kylie from Kylie Hood Photography
Sean from Kylie Hood Photography and Martin from FBI
Kathy Heath from High Societea and Lachie from Merlo
Jay Jay from Jay Jay Entertainment and Peta fom City Publicity
Fiona from FLQ Photography and Kylie-Jay from the media
Waddell girls with Pecan nuts
Gary and Marina from Merlo
David and Michael from Gourmet Ice Cream and Wayne from Feduberry Foods
Darryl and Toby from Phoenix...fantastic duo
Merlo girls
1 comment:
The food and beverage website is an excellent idea! Love it.
Thanks Tina
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