Cameron from the Clay Shed
Tom and Elizabeth placing the heat pavers on top of the calcium silicate board
Richard from Gravity Pools placing the sandbags to create the dome
Cameron placing fire bricks for oven rim
Richard adding brickie loam to create dome
Elizabeth perfecting the dome before the plastic sheet goes on (preventing the cement from sticking to the sand)
Julia and Elizabeth covering the plastic sheet with the first layer of heat resistant cement
Julia and Richard adding more cement
Mixing the second batch of heat resistant cement
Richard and Matt putting in the flue
Julia placing the insulation blanket over the top layer of heat resistant cement
Cameron finishing the insulation blanket
Tom and Richard placing on the next layer...
...and then the next (Richard, Martin and Tom)
Time for a yummy lunch (while concrete is setting)

Richard creating the detail
Elisabeth and Matt finishing the final layer
Richard with oxides to create colour (and below)
Matt throwing on sand
Afternoon tea time with Martin's yummy scones,homemade raspberry jam & cream,mmmm...
while the colour and cement cures
The finished product! Fondly nicknamed in Myrtle the Turtle
With the latest addition to the outdoor kitchen
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I wish my kids can experience something like that. In Silay where my husband is from, there's a community bakery with a large wood oven. For a small fee, the residents can have the bakery roast food in the oven. My mom-in-law would have huge slabs of pork roasted in there and they'd taste like mini lechons :-) Pizza Conveyor Ovens
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